FAQ Group: Visitor Questions

  • Can I receive communion in your church?

    In the Orthodox Church, the Eucharist (communion) is a sacramental act where the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ are made present as an expression of The Church, the Body of Christ, as the body of believers who profess the same truths and worship God in the same Spirit. As such, communion is reserved only…

  • What kind of music is used in your services?

    All of our services are sung by an a cappella choir in a variety of Orthodox musical traditions.

  • Is there child care?

    We love our children and do not separate them from their families during our services. Learning to be formed in the liturgical life of the Church is crucial to the development of their faith and often provides teaching moments to the parents as well as opportunities for patience, humility, and grace for everyone at the…

  • How long are your services?

    Great Vespers is served on Saturday evenings at 6:00pm and usually lasts 45 minutes. Divine Liturgy is served on Sunday mornings at 9:30am and usually lasts 90 minutes. Daily Vespers is served on Wednesdays at 6:00pm and usually lasts 35 minutes.

  • What languages are your services in?

    We are an English-language Church! You may hear the occasional sung “Lord have mercy” in another language, but 99.5% of our services are in English! Greek: Κυριε ελεισον! Kyrie Eleison!Slavonic/Russian: Господи, помилуй! Gospodi, pomilui!Spanish: Señor, ten piedad!

  • What kind of Orthodox are you: Russian, Greek, or …?

    We’re part of the Orthodox Church in America, which started out as part of the Russian Orthodox Church in the original Alaskan mission in the 1790s. The early American Church throughout the 1800s moved down the Pacific coast and across the country to cities like Chicago and New York and laid a foundation for hundreds…