holy noise
We in the Orthodox Church do not separate our children during our worship services. The entire family remains together, and even infant members of the Church will receive the Eucharist. We take very seriously the Lord’s admonition:
“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
The Gospel of St Matthew, chapter 19, verse 14
Sometimes this means that there can be “holy noise” during the services as little ones who are still learning to control their voices and motions can get restless or overwhelmed, but this is part of the price of having our children fully participate in our faith. As the old adage goes, “if there’s no crying, your church is dying”.
If your child is a little fussy, full of energy and dancing around, or even babbling or singing along with the choir, this is entirely expected! If your child does escalate to a tantrum or is in danger of knocking over a music stand or icon, they might need a minute or two outside to regain their balance, but please bring them back in as soon as they are ready!
The bathroom on the right has a changing table and a few supplies if needed, and we will have snacks for your children in our coffee hour meal right after the Divine Liturgy. During coffee hour, many children will play outside under adult supervision, and you will know best if you prefer to keep your children inside or let them play outside during this time.
Our clergy, lay leadership, church school teachers, and youth leaders have regular background checks to ensure we are doing our part to keep all of our children safe and sound as they learn to worship in the community and to fellowship with other children.