Here is the most recent Statement of Activities for the month of November.
We are thankful for an excellent response to our pledge drive, but we also see that our giving for November is considerably down from where it was in 2022 even though we’re having more people. I know of at least three people who were out-of-town or sick that were not able to bring in their normal monthly tithing check, and I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that steady regular giving is how we can predictably pay our current bills and plan for the future. If you end up not attending liturgy on a Sunday where you would normally give, please consider using one of the electric means of giving below so that our financial stewardship can be in good order.
I will also note that we had a few one-time expenses this month (Our feast day picnic on 11/12, paying for coffee hour food for St. Stephens on 11/19) which was half of the deficit. Keep in mind that our budget will get tighter next year as our rent is going up and we are losing our OCA Planting Grant and support from the Diocese. If we are to continue “surviving and thriving” we are very much in need of your financial support. May God bless your stewardship of our beloved mission!